The genesis of Central Tabernacle Deliverance emerged from two dynamic tent  

 crusades held at Llandilo under the aspiration of Bishop Herro Blair and  

Dr. W.A. Blair. In 1976 and 1978 respectively. At the completion of the crusade  

One Hundred and Fifty (150) persons received water baptism. 


The urgency for a place of worship was therefore necessary. Eventually a place was rented on Imperial Plaza. This place was not comfortable because it was hot to the extent that it was called the “oven” or “hot building.” The church was supervised 

 by Dr. W.A. blair and Daddy Blair while Sister Daphne Meggo, Brothers Wellesley Plummer, Pearce and Johnson were left in charge. 


In 1978 the Blairs left for a crusade in Grand Cayman and Rev. E.D. Campbell  

was asked to assist. He was later appointed as the first host pastor. Under his  

leadership the congregation increased, thus the heat became unbearable and the  

seating capacity became inadequate. There arose the need for a more comfortable place so a piece of swampland in Dalling Street was leased with the option to  

purchase it. Unfortunately after the land was dumped with the intention to erect a building we discovered that it had a new owner. This was discouraging but we were not daunted in our endeavour. This was really an ordeal for us but we relied on God’s word to Peter “Upon this rock I’ll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. 


Consequently we rested on the promises of God and pursued our venture.  

Our prayers were answered in a most unusual way, for a building formally a  

pharmacy became vacant. It was neither for rent nor for sale, but God  

performed a miracle and we were able to rent it for one month only. However, through the combined efforts of Bishop Blair, Dr. W. A. Blair and Rev. E.  

Campbell, the building was acquired in October 1981. Rev. Campbell pastored for three and half years and migrated in May 1981 and was succeeded by Rev. N. Daley in July 1981. His stay was short because after four months he migrated aboard,  

leaving the church without a pastor. 


In September 1982, we were specially blessed with the arrival of Rev. Joyce  

Bernard. This was not an easy task as she was faced with many challenges, 

 but she was always victorious because she relied on the sustaining power of God.  

financially. As a young female pastor, she was very ambitious and her character  

and leadership qualities made her a role model in the community.  


Under her dynamic ministry, the church grew numerically, spiritually and  

financially. As a young female pastor, she was very ambitious and her character  

and leadership qualities made her a role model in the community. She is a  

stalwart, a devoted dignified and compassionate preacher. These qualities  

along with the anointing of God help to maintain a high spiritual standard in the church. Rev. Bernard seized the opportunity to get things done and people worked willingly with her. The church has gained full recognition in this 



In March 10, 1985, we completed our mortgage payments. Following that the  

building was extended and renovated and we now have this beautiful edifice,  

which can accommodate more people comfortably. As a woman with vision  

and one who strives for excellence, she saw the need for a basic school and  

established one to enhance Early Childhood Education. She also embarked  

on other expansion programmes, which include children’s Church, Feeding  

Programme, Family Fellowship, Men’s, Ladies, and Youth Fellowships. A  

Sports Club was also formed which includes netball and football games.  


There are many ministries in the church such as dance and sign  

expressions other ministries include out-reach programmes, Street  

Ministries, Hospitals and Infirmary visitations. The young people are  

involved in different competitions and have always excelled. The most recent  

competition was the National Youth Achievement in which we emerged the  

champion. These activities attest to the fact that the church caters for the  

“Total Man”-mentally, physically and spiritually. 


In the 1980’s the church acquired a manse from the National Housing  

Development Co-orporation Limited (N.H.D.C) and final payment was made  

in 2004. We also have to our credit a computer laboratory for which  

computers were purchased. The aim of our lab is to benefit the community  

at large. 


Our community outreach programmes continue, including our feeding  

programme which aids residents of the infirmary and the homeless persons. 

 Through generous contribution from members and the community, we  

are able to offer food and clothing packages to our needy in and around the  






Morning 9:00 am - Divine Worship

Evening 6:00 pm Evangelistic Service 


Morning 10:00 am- Fasting service

Evening 5:00 pm- Bible Studies & Prayer Meeting


Evening 7:00 pm- Men's and Ladies Fellowship


Evening 7:00 pm- Youth Fellowship


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